Thursday, August 22, 2013

Face Detail

I worked on her hand a bit more making the nails look a bit more realistic. I used this picture and zoomed in a lot for reference for her eyes. I've also added a noise on her skin.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

More Progress

Heres more progress on the dress. I added more folds on it.  I ended up adding an "effect" called "Noise"  which i ended up liking how the dress came out.
I finished the hair. Using mainly the Dam Standard brush. 

I also made the glove and added some detail at the beginning on the glove.

I also made the nails on the other hand.

And added a bit more detail in the back of the hand. Just kind of modified it a bit more.

The shoes. I did what you suggested and box modeled it in Maya 2013 and then using GoZ brought it back in here.

I also added the sock on her leg. Also added a bit of detail at the beginning of the sock.

On her face I also added some "noise" so that she wouldn't look so plastic. Also added her eyeballs.

I definitely am getting the hang of Zbrush more and definitely enjoying it more. I still had a bit of problems trying to do her eyelashes.

Heres more details and closeups:

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Here's my progress! I almost have the hang on the dress. The shoes on the other hand.....I struggled at least a good 3 hrs on just 1. I still have yet to do the hair. If you can go over a few things that would be much appreciated. Since Ive never sculpted I've had trouble on how to start a sculpt. Seems like such minor problems which Im sure i'll get eventually; just a good guidance would be much appreciated. Other than that, I have been enjoying this class.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Toning The Body

I have decided not to model the dress in Maya, so I brought my character into ZBrush to tone out.  I was wondering if you can go over in class on how to make a dress? Since most of the clothing people have are skin tight clothing, I think sculpting out the dress might be a bit of challenge. I made her arms a bit shorter than the original mesh since I think they were a bit too long. and her neck a bit thinner. Also toned out her breasts/chest area, thighs, hips, shoulders and stomach.