Thursday, August 22, 2013

Face Detail

I worked on her hand a bit more making the nails look a bit more realistic. I used this picture and zoomed in a lot for reference for her eyes. I've also added a noise on her skin.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

More Progress

Heres more progress on the dress. I added more folds on it.  I ended up adding an "effect" called "Noise"  which i ended up liking how the dress came out.
I finished the hair. Using mainly the Dam Standard brush. 

I also made the glove and added some detail at the beginning on the glove.

I also made the nails on the other hand.

And added a bit more detail in the back of the hand. Just kind of modified it a bit more.

The shoes. I did what you suggested and box modeled it in Maya 2013 and then using GoZ brought it back in here.

I also added the sock on her leg. Also added a bit of detail at the beginning of the sock.

On her face I also added some "noise" so that she wouldn't look so plastic. Also added her eyeballs.

I definitely am getting the hang of Zbrush more and definitely enjoying it more. I still had a bit of problems trying to do her eyelashes.

Heres more details and closeups:

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Here's my progress! I almost have the hang on the dress. The shoes on the other hand.....I struggled at least a good 3 hrs on just 1. I still have yet to do the hair. If you can go over a few things that would be much appreciated. Since Ive never sculpted I've had trouble on how to start a sculpt. Seems like such minor problems which Im sure i'll get eventually; just a good guidance would be much appreciated. Other than that, I have been enjoying this class.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Toning The Body

I have decided not to model the dress in Maya, so I brought my character into ZBrush to tone out.  I was wondering if you can go over in class on how to make a dress? Since most of the clothing people have are skin tight clothing, I think sculpting out the dress might be a bit of challenge. I made her arms a bit shorter than the original mesh since I think they were a bit too long. and her neck a bit thinner. Also toned out her breasts/chest area, thighs, hips, shoulders and stomach.

Thursday, July 25, 2013


I made a few changes to my character like you pointed out. I added a few accessories to make her stand out and a bit different. I also fixed the turn around also and colored everything to see the full picture. To add to this, I also found more helpful reference like you pointed out. 

Here are a few improvisations I made with the female model you gave us. I started to put together her dress. I will continue to make further progress.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Name: Victoria Reed
Nickname: Vicky
Sex: Female
Eye Color: Light Blue
Weight: 160lbs
Height: 5'7
Occupation: Singer
Hair Color: Black/Long
Age: 22


Vicky was born on October 13th 1990. She has 2 older sister, Cleo and Ricki. Victoria grew up being the outcast amongst her family. She always had a passion for music and started to play piano when she was 5 years old. Besides playing the piano, she secretly loved to sing. In school she always kept to herself because of the kids in school would bully her for being so different. Her favorite color is blue. Vickys style is considered to be a mix of Lolita and Goth with a hint of bubbly-girly. She is a sweet person underneath her tough facade. Victoria definitely does not have an approachable vibe to her due to her bullying, but the ones that have definitely see that sweet side of her. She is a very mellow person but she definitely knows how to have fun.  She has been told that a distinctive feature she has are her light blue eyes and long black hair. 




Singer/Person Used:

Friday, July 12, 2013

First try at Amy Lee's head. Never used Z-Brush before, first time touching it. I do know I need much more practice at sculpting. Although, I am looking forward to this class.